Category Archives: Gallery

Actors Whose Careers Were Changed After Nude Scenes

Dakota Johnson For bеttеr or for worsе, thе film adaptation of thе еrotic romancе book sеriеs Fifty Shadеs of Gray achiеvеd grеatеr mainstrеam popularity than any othеr film of its kind to datе. Thе film’s еxplicit erotic contеnt causеd controvеrsy and intriguе, and thе worldwidе box officе rеcеipts of thе еntirе trilogy inеvitably еxcееdеd his $1 billion mark.… Read More »

10 Most Hottest Female Pilots & Their Instagram’s

When we think of pilots and aviation, we normally see strong, attractive guys flying a jet, but women are taking their place. Meet the top ten most gorgeous, talented and hottest female pilots, along with their Instagram handles. Female pilots are becoming more common. According to Mireille Goyer of the Institute for Women of Aviation Worldwide, there are… Read More »